
Boost SDK

Typescript devkit for interacting with the Boost V2 Protocol


When a field is declared as TUPLE in the PrimitiveType of an EventAction, we unpack its bit-packed fieldIndex to drill down through each nested level of the tuple. Each sub-index occupies 6 bits (values 0–63), and a sub-index of 63 is treated as a terminator—signaling the end of further drilling. Once we locate the leaf in the nested structure, the code infers the final (non-tuple) PrimitiveType by reading the ABI definition (address, uint256, string, etc.) at that leaf node.

  1. We can store up to 5 sub-indexes (each 6 bits) in one fieldIndex.
  2. As we parse a TUPLE, we read those sub-indexes one by one, traversing each nested tuple parameter in the ABI.
  3. At the final, non-tuple component, we derive the actual PrimitiveType (e.g., ADDRESS, UINT, BYTES, or STRING) by inspecting that component’s type in the ABI definition.