Interface ReadIncentiveCriteriaParams

Helper type that encapsulates common readContract parameters without fields like abi, args, functionName, address that are expected to be provided the SDK. See (readContract)[]

interface ReadIncentiveCriteriaParams {
    account?: `0x${string}` | Account;
    blockNumber?: bigint;
    factory?: `0x${string}`;
    factoryData?: `0x${string}`;
    stateOverride?: StateOverride;
    blockTag?: BlockTag;
    chainId?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


account?: `0x${string}` | Account

Account attached to the call (msg.sender).

blockNumber?: bigint

The balance of the account at a block number.

factory?: `0x${string}`

Contract deployment factory address (ie. Create2 factory, Smart Account factory, etc).

factoryData?: `0x${string}`

Calldata to execute on the factory to deploy the contract.

stateOverride?: StateOverride

State overrides for the call.

blockTag?: BlockTag

The balance of the account at a block tag.

chainId?: number